Friday, March 30, 2012

The Set of The Sail

Hello Readers,

I am back... almost as promised. I am writing a little late in the day as I had errands to do today. I had thought of blogging last night, but an overlooked task required my attention. For now, my report of my week will be brief, only to say that it was amazingly productive. It's the end of the month, so in addition to evaluating the week, I must evaluate the month of March and set my course for April. I will be tending to that on Monday (April 1st). Then together, the tried and true, dedicated 19 of you - (thank you very much!), together we can evaluate my reasonable progress. Though interestingly enough, 12 additional readers joined in reading last weeks post. To those readers, I know you also are holding me accountable. And please, feel free to join in on the journey.

In deciding on this weeks topic, I kept coming back to wanting to share a particular inspirational message with you. Inspirational, but also fundamentally important. A message that all would do well to download to their mental hardware. So it's been decided - that's exactly what I am going to do. The message is called The Set of The Sail, taught by an amazing teacher - Mr. Jim Rohn. And though he is no longer with us, I am proud to consider him among the few select of my mentors. 

So without any further ado, here is Mr. Jim Rohn's ... The Set of The Sail. After you listen to the message, go back and focus on this week's blog pic. Then imagine... first just imagine... then imagine the set of her sail... then imagine the set of your sail. 

Enjoy you time going forward everyone. Until we meet again.
