Hee, hee. We both know (well all nine of us that read my last blog post), but we both know that you don't go from broke to un-broke in 9 days!
But still, we all know how this is gonna turn out in the end!
In the interim, let's go on. But first I want to share exactly does it mean to be broke. Simply that you run out of money before you run out of month. It doesn't matter if your monthly income is $10,000 or if it's 1,000. If you earn $10,000 and spend $10,001...you are, or soon will be - broke. A mentor of significant wealth taught me (or told me) that lesson over ten years ago. Sometimes it takes awhile and experience to learn a lesson. But I digress, as I am want to do.
The huge contributing factor to being broke is to spend the whole dollar! Now what happens when you spend the whole dollar? You get the compound effect, but this time in reverse. Instead of compounding interest, you compound spending and eventually a lack of funds; which when compounded, results in debt. And if we extrapolate this understanding, we realize that the scenario of running out of money, before you run out of month would be avoided. Well Dandy Boy! How bout that! So what if we teach our children to never spend the whole dollar! If the candy bar cost 99 cents and he has a dollar, she doesn't have enough money to buy it; because he can't afford it. She needs more than a dollar to buy the candy bar, otherwise he would spend the whole dollar! (And yes I did just alternate pronouns!). Who has a niece, daughter, son, grandson, godchild that they can teach that lesson to?
And now - where we came in last week...being broke as a result of a cessation in our personal growth. Just as with our dwindling economic status, it most often happens over a period of time and goes unnoticed until it's the glaring, jarring realization that I had last week. It's rarely sudden; though it would most likely be best if they were...if the repercussions of our impassivity or perfunctoriness (that's right, look it up!) came hurling at us like an out of control meteor!
But since that not being the case, I had unknowingly -meaning I hadn't paid any attention to or realized that I had not saved in the last 6 six years, I had not taken any classes to learn new things or to improve my skills in the past six months; nor had I read any books in the last 90 days (or listened to any instructional, informational CD's) that were available to me to change my life, or to help change my future, develop any
skills I want, earn the kind of income I want, have all the treasures I want,
all the equities I want, the relationships with family and friends that I want. So having realized the error of my ways, my resolve became to un-mess my mess! I just want to add an interesting footnote... that this realization happened immediately after I decided to return to work.
So together, as I am being held accountable (having received today an email from a friend wondering where my blog post was) and I am certain, wanting to know what measurable results I have made in the reasonable amount of time of past 9 days...since my blog post that shared my resolve with the world (well 9 of you, and 3 of which who commented to me personally!)
My results - at the end of this month, February, one month earlier than I had anticipated being able to, I was able to save money. :) I am more that halfway through one book and have begun work in a second, a Napoleon Hill 13 Course Personal Instruction book! :) And though I don't have the actual numbers, I listened to well over 4 hours of audio on Success Principles (a term I coined) and lessons from an expert in my career field.:)
And lastly, I attended 3 classes in a new (or extended) field of study and I am scheduled for 3 more before we are due to talk again on March 9th. Oh yeah, I also attended a day-long conference, related to, but also an extension of my field.
simply asks us to make measurable progress in reasonable time!